Office Staff

Rev. Dr. Richard Douglass | Pastor | (585) 328-4660

Grace Douglass | Administrative Assistant | (585) 463-3886

Yvonne Marshall | Receptionist | (585) 463-3881

TBD | Business Manager| (585) 463-3884

Data Input Specialist | (585) 328-4660

Senequa McKinney| Human Services Coordinator | Project Connection | (585) 463-3890

Paul Boutte'| Minister of Music | (585)328-4660

John Kimble | Media Tech| (585) 328-4660

TBD | Director of SWADCO | (585) 328-4660

Charlaine Anderson | Linda Brooks Food Pantry Volunteers | (585) 328-4660

Breakfast Program Volunteers

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We serve free, hot breakfast every Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, from 8:00-10:00am from September until June. The Breakfast Program will reopen in September.

Our Food Pantry is open on the Tuesday-Thursday from 11:00am-2pm and Fridays from 11am-1pm year round. Our friendly staff will be happy to serve you. Call the main office for a consultation at (585) 328-4660.

BreakfastProgram Manager: Sister Lena Gray

Chef & Volunteers: Sister Lena Gray


Sister Mildred Brinkley

Brother James Chatman

Brother Valance Hall

Brother Leonard Holley

Sister October Hycinath

Mother Yvette Hughes

Sister Cynthia Johnson

Sister Rose Mary Phillips

Sister Katherine Richardson

Brother Louis Singletary

Sister Connie Smith

Sister Vickie Thirst

Brother Robert Tucker

Brother George White

Brother James Pride

Mother Jacqueline Williams

Food Panty: Mother Yvette Hughes


Mother Linda Brooks

Deaconess Charlaine Anderson

Sister Mildred Brinkley

Make a Donation: through Paypal,

Maintenance Staff

Spring Cleaning Volunteers needed

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Tithe Testimonals

SWADCO Sacrificial Giving

I trusted God for a break through in my finances. Today I am employed full time and continue to give back in the house of the Lord.

31 Church Anniversary :"Bring The Total Tithe"

God Always Comes Through For Us!